Dharmananda Baruah

Rs.92310 Rs.52544 Rs.144854 Rs.39608 Rs.105246

# Precise Location (1) Nature of Land (2) Extent of interest(%) (3) Land use pattern (4)* value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** Relationship to the officer (7) **** From whom acquired (8)**** Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** Remarks(10)
Mouza : Jorhat Town
Revenue : Town Town:Town 2 No. Block
Patta No:PP25
Dag No:2781/4741
Net Area :Bigha
16.5 Lechas
Residential 100% RCC Plinth & Terrace Of 2263 Sqft 300937 5500000 Self

Inherited From Father, Late Ananda Chandra Baruah

I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: 03-02-2024 Dharmananda Baruah