Bubul Lekharu

Rs.60870 Rs.30068 Rs.90938 Rs.20608 Rs.70330

# Precise Location (1) Nature of Land (2) Extent of interest(%) (3) Land use pattern (4)* value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** Relationship to the officer (7) **** From whom acquired (8)**** Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** Remarks(10)
Mouza : Sarai Bahi
Revenue : Town Town:Gondhia
Patta No:184
Dag No:84
Net Area :Katha
2 katha
Residential Whole for ownership of the plot of land Household Homestead Purpose 1.65 per lakh per katha 3.75 Lakh per katha and value of house build Does Not Arise

1. Monoram Bora 2. Krishna Kanta Bora And 3 Others
Rs. 2.50 Lakhs Rental From The Building
Mouza : Beltola
Revenue : Town Town:Dispur, Hengrabari
Patta No:2493
Dag No:1623
Net Area :Lesa
Lesa 08 lesa (1103 Sq. feet)
Residential Whole for the ownership of the Flat No. (403) As Flat 1103 Sq. Feet (08 Lessa ) Only No. 4 Rs. 1936330 Rs. 20,00,000 Ms. Sangita Buragohain, Lekharu (Wife)

Bhabani Gogoi, Hengrabari, Guwahati
Nil Using Of Homestead Purpose 1. Two Bed Room. 2. Two Attached Toilets, One Drawing Room Cum Dining Hall Two Balcony With One Kitchen

I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: 16-01-2023 Bubul Lekharu