DR-99 |
Rs.81510 | Rs.22258 | Rs.103768 | Rs.5608 | Rs.98160 |
# | Precise Location (1) | Nature of Land (2) | Extent of interest(%) (3) | Land use pattern (4)* | value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** | Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** | Relationship to the officer (7) **** | From whom acquired (8)**** | Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** | Remarks(10) |
1 |
Revenue : Town
Patta No:Crystal Groove
Dag No:318
Net Area :Bigha
1350 sq feet
Residential | jointly owned in the name of self and wife | The Flat Is In The 3rd Floor Of The Building | 1815000 | 4300000 | Not Applicalble |
Purchase, Apartment Booked In July 2005 And Possession Handed Over In June,2008, Acquired From Own Income And
264000 | Nameof Wife Dr. (Mrs)Jimli Bora Working As Associate Professor In The Deptt Of Political Science In Sibasagar Girls' College, Sivasagar |
2 |
Mouza : Nagarmahal
Revenue : Town
Patta No:3547
Dag No:2735
Net Area :Katha
Residential | Jointly owned in the name of self ,father and | Completed Construction Of The 3 Storied Resid | 4000000 | 4500000 | Not Applicalble |
Otherwise, Land Owned By Father And Construction Of The Building Completed In October 2015. Total Project Cost
0 | Father Retired As Principal, Sibasagar College And Owner Of A Commercial Building At Sibasar Town |
I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. | |
Date: 02-01-2021 | ANKUR BHARALI |