Pomi Baruah

Rs.75240 Rs.21165 Rs.96405 Rs.25608 Rs.70797

# Precise Location (1) Nature of Land (2) Extent of interest(%) (3) Land use pattern (4)* value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** Relationship to the officer (7) **** From whom acquired (8)**** Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** Remarks(10)
Mouza : Beltola
Revenue : Town Town:Japorigog
Patta No:774
Dag No:1471
Net Area :Katha
Residential 100% Residential 25 lakh 50 lakh Self

Acquired From Brahmaputra Builders.
Rs.53,087.00 per month Acquired Through Bank Loan, Salary,money, Money Received From Spouse And Compensation From Mother's Death In Accident. Acquired From Brahmaputra Builders.

I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: 08-01-2020 Pomi Baruah