
Rs.23970 Rs.32001 Rs.55971 Rs.10608 Rs.45363

# Precise Location (1) Nature of Land (2) Extent of interest(%) (3) Land use pattern (4)* value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** Relationship to the officer (7) **** From whom acquired (8)**** Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** Remarks(10)
Mouza : Nagar Mahal
Revenue : Town Town:Sivasagar
Patta No:1572(Old)/2544(New)
Dag No:2316
Net Area :Katha-lesa
1K 13L
Residential 100 Assam Type House (900 Sq. Ft.) 30000 3246354 per Bigha Approx. Self

From Father Late Ajit Ch. Gogoi.
0 0
Mouza : Nagar Mahal
Revenue : Town Town:Sivasagar
Patta No:3085
Dag No:4310
Net Area :Bigha
Residential Inherited from Lt. Promode Ch. Gogoi. Multi Storied Building (25000 Sq. Ft.) Joint 225886 3787413 per Bigha Approx. Late Promode Ch. Gogoi (Grand Father)

Allotted By The Govt. Of Assam.
0 0
Mouza : Beltola
Revenue : Town Town:Guwahati
Patta No:0
Dag No:1
Net Area :Bigha
1161.75 Sq. Ft.
Residential Joint Ownership with Abhijit Baruah (Spouse) Flat No. 001 700000 2705295 Joint Ownership, 1/3 Share Of Self With Abhij

0 0
Mouza : Mother Teresa Road
Revenue : Town Town:Guwahati
Patta No:
Dag No:
Net Area :Bigha
Residential Joint Ownership with Abhijit Baruah (Spouse) Flat No. C1 949200 3787413 Joint Ownership, 1/3 Share Of Self With Abhij

0 0
Mouza : Nagar Mahal
Revenue : Town Town:Sivasagar
Patta No:1572
Dag No:2460, 2257
Net Area :Bigha-katha
2B 3K
Residential Inheritance from Lt. Promod Ch. Gogoi (Grandf Vacant Plot Only A Small Katcha House. Inheritance from ancestors Part of the land value is Rs. 15,00,000/- (Ap Joint Co-Pattadar With 10 Others.

Inheritance From Grand Father Lt. Promode Ch. Gogoi.
0 0
Mouza : Haahchora
Revenue : Town Town:Chetia Goan
Patta No:230
Dag No:285, 332, 340, 341
Net Area :Bigha-katha-lesa
55B 3K 10L
Agricultural (1) Inheritance from Lt. Ajit Gogoi. (2) Inhe Vacant Land Inheritance from ancestors Part of the land value is (1) Dag 285=Rs. 80, Joint Co-Pattadar With 10 Others.

Inheritance From Lt. Ajit Gogoi & Lt. Pramod Gogoi.
0 0
Mouza : Haahchora
Revenue : Town Town:Chetia Goan
Patta No:138
Dag No:331, 343, 522
Net Area :Bigha-katha-lesa
6B 2K 18L
Agricultural (1) Inheritance from Lt. Ajit Gogoi. (2) Inhe Vacant Land Inheritance from ancestors Part of the land value is (1) DAg 331=Rs. 90, Joint Co-Pattadar With 12 Others.

Inheritance From Lt. Ajit Gogoi & Lt. Pramod Gogoi.
0 0

I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: 28-01-2019 PURABI GOGOI