Madhu Sudan Nath

Rs.94900 Rs.9141 Rs.104041 Rs.12608 Rs.91433

# Precise Location (1) Nature of Land (2) Extent of interest(%) (3) Land use pattern (4)* value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** Relationship to the officer (7) **** From whom acquired (8)**** Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** Remarks(10)
Mouza : Tehsil- Balijana
Revenue : Village Village:Nichinta
Patta No:PP 17,25,72(old), 27,98,101(new)
Dag No:129,144,171,39,65,272
Net Area :Bigha
18.51 Bigha
Agricultural 10 Agricultural Land And Parental Residential Ho Not assessed 7,50,000 (Approx) Lt. Jatindra Nath @Khasaru Nath (Father) And

Lt. Jatindra Nath @Khasaru Nath (Father) And Lt. Urmila Bala Devi (Mother).
1 The Property Still Remains In The Names Of My Parents.
Mouza : Tehsil- Balijana
Revenue : Village Village:Nichinta
Patta No:AP 15 (old), 18 (new)
Dag No:136
Net Area :Bigha
5.82 Bigha
Agricultural 10 Agricultural Land Not assessed 90,000 (Approx) Lt. Jatindra Nath (Father)

Lt. Jatindra Nath (Father)
45 The Property Still Remains In The Name Of My Father.
Mouza : Ramcharani
Revenue : Village Village:Mikirpara Chakardai
Patta No:PP 79
Dag No:148
Net Area :Katha
2.5 Katha
Residential 100 Residential Plot 1,00,000 Not assessed Self

From Gopal Das Of Azara
Mouza : Beltola
Revenue : Village Village:Baghorbori
Patta No:PP 142
Dag No:1341(Part)
Net Area :Katha
1.5 Katha
Residential 100 Residential Plot With An RCC Building Amounti 1,40,000 Not assessed Self

From Pradip Kr. Sarma Of Baghorbori, Panjabari,Guwahati-37
0 House Loan Availed From SBI, Panjabari Branch, Guwahati-37 (under Construction)

I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: 27-01-2019 Madhu Sudan Nath