Partha Pratim Majumdar

Rs.186900 Rs.60000 Rs.246900 Rs.45000 Rs.741900

# Precise Location (1) Nature of Land (2) Extent of interest(%) (3) Land use pattern (4)* value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** Relationship to the officer (7) **** From whom acquired (8)**** Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** Remarks(10)
Mouza : Dispur
Revenue : Town Town:Guwahati
Patta No:Tamarind Vista Apartment
Dag No:2D
Net Area :Lesa
3300 sq ft
Residential 100 Residential 13000000 14000000 Self

By Paying Instalments Over A Period Of Time

I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: 31-01-2025 Partha Pratim Majumdar