Prakash Medhi

Rs.87700 Rs.49431 Rs.137131 Rs.20526 Rs.116605

# Precise Location (1) Nature of Land (2) Extent of interest(%) (3) Land use pattern (4)* value at the time of acquiring or purchage (Rs.) (5)** Present Value(Rs.) (6)*** Relationship to the officer (7) **** From whom acquired (8)**** Annual income from the property(Rs.) (9)***** Remarks(10)
Mouza : Tihu
Revenue : Village Village:Bar-Makhibaha
Patta No:75
Dag No:72/73
Net Area :Bigha
2 (Two) Bigha Apprx.
Residential None Dwelling House (Assam Type) Inherited Property Rs.-21,00000/- (Twenty one lakh only) Apprx. Mother

Nil Inherited Property
Mouza : Tihu
Revenue : Village Village:Bar-Makhibaha
Patta No:75
Dag No:52
Net Area :Bigha
4 (Four) Bigha Apprx.
Agricultural None For Cultivation Inherited property Rs.-6,00000/- (Six lakh only) Mother

Rs.-50,000/- (Fifty thousand only) Apprx. Inherited Property
Mouza : Beltola
Revenue : Village Village:Sarusajai
Patta No:1088
Dag No:1709
Net Area :Bigha
2 (Two) Bigha & 10 (Ten) Lessa
Residential None For Dwelling House Purchased, Rs.-40,00000/- (Forty Lakh only) Rs.-40,00000/- (Forty Lakh only) Self

Nil Purchased Through Loan Availed From Canara Bank, Barpeta Road Branch, Dist.-Barpeta

I hereby declare that the declaration made above is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: 29-01-2025 Prakash Medhi